Please read my latest article in Psychology Today regarding estrangement. Although there is a lack of research literature regarding family cut-offs (not speaking to family members such as siblings, children, parents, and extended family), this is quite a common problem I have found with patients in private practice. One of the most asked questions is how do I get along with a toxic (narcissistic, psychopath)  family member? Should I continue the relationship even though it is abusive emotionally, psychologically, or physically? When is enough? What are the consequences? This is a complicated issue and a very personal one that should not be taken lightly.

While estrangement is the decision to purposely not speak to a family member, distancing strategies may help if one is not ready to make this step. For example, communicating by phone, e-mail, or text may be options. Choosing to see the family members for time-limited visits may be another option to consider.


Please read Part II: To Estrange or Not to Estrange in Psychology Today. This is the sequel to Part I: The Roots of Toxic Family Dynamics.


Copyright 2020: Tracy Hutchinson, Ph.D