Please read my latest article in Psychology Today, which reveals the newest science in gratitude and how it can change your life.

Yes, most of us know intuitively know that we should be grateful. This has been instilled by both pop culture and Movies like “The Secret” to religious and spiritual practices. Most of us know that when we are feeling grateful, it feels really good. However, maintaining a consistent practice can be a struggle, and the struggle is real. Researchers agree that it can be difficult o maintain a consistent gratitude practice because negative emotions are more powerful and stick around longer than positive ones. For example, according to Dr. Barbara Fredrickson in her book “Positivity”, negative emotions such as sadness or anger are 3 times more powerful than a positive one. Therefore, it is important to have consistent gratitude practices and tools. Further, research supports these tools are vital because they can help with your mental health and overall well being…..

Please read more here on Psychology Today…